The Ancient Texts

I’m excited today to start bringing online my portfolio page. It’s not much, but I’ll be adding in my reporting articles from OMG! Ubuntu! for perusal. It’s so odd to go back and read what you’ve written previously. You, but a different you. All the bones are there about who and what you are, but lack the refinement of age.

When I wrote those, I was twenty-something and believed that Ubuntu would end up going farther than it did. This was around that time of cheeky codenames hiding plans in plain sight: Raring ringtail. I remember thinking that was well-played because no one noticed it until it was pointed out. (But is that the mark of a good pun, no one getting it?) I bought in to— and let’s be honest, still very much miss— the idea of Ubuntu Phone and convergence. I stopped posting as much because I became more involved in the community design mailing list.

I regret not following through on this path. I can see the gold in them hills! Sure, covered in the dirt that only your younger self can be aware of, but it shines all the same. I can see the passion in what I did. I wanted Ubuntu to be the thing that it was in my head. Not only did I want that, I wanted everything around it to be elevated as well.

When everything collapsed, I knew the golden age was over. I was getting more involved in my job that would lead me to where I am now. Each step as important as the last.


Easy As 1, 2, 3


Hello World!